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(see the Gallery page for more pictures of each event)

Summer 2024

June, July and August have seen the band play at a number of different venues, mostly outdoors.   Thornaby Methodist Church was the venue for an indoor concert in June, followed a week later by the band's first visit of 2024 to Saltburn bandstand.  In July, Borrowby Show and the Aldborough and Boroughbridge Show were on the same weekend, and it was good to relax after playing on the Sunday for a band social in the grounds of Newby Hall!  In August the band returned to play at the Historic Vehicle Weekend at Croft Circuit.

New music was introduced for these events with the popular 'Lord of the Dance' being the final piece at several. The music has been well received and the events and varied surroundings have been greatly enjoyed by audiences and band members alike. 


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2024 - New music to rehearse!

The New Year brought with it a change of music in the rehearsal pads, requiring plenty of concentration and practice as Stuart introduced new pieces  to the band.  The band worked hard and in April enjoyed playing at Beamish Open Air Museum, with a programme of music appropriate to the era of the 1900's Town Bandstand.


There then followed a change of programme as the band prepared for the next engagement just a few weeks later.  


On Sunday 12th May, the sun shone as the band played in the beautiful gardens of Kiplin Hall.  An appreciative audience was entertained while eating picnics on the grass.  A variety of music, including solos by Drew, Emily, Pete, Sally, Jayne and Ellie, was enjoyed by both players and audience.


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February 2024 - 'A Touch of Silver' entertains

Recently a small group of players from the band visited a local care home to entertain the residents. The afternoon was a great success:


"On a sunny spring -like February Saturday, we were so privileged to welcome back "A Touch of Silver", a quintet of members of Northallerton Silver Band, who had our residents (and Chef) toe tapping, clapping and even engaging in a seated Tango.

We are looking forward to Spring/Summer and inviting Touch of Silver Back for a Summer Picnic in our beautiful grounds .

Thank you to our wonderful wider Community of Northallerton who visit our home."

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A Touch of Silver Feb 2024 2_edited.jpg
December 2023 - Christmas Events

Our annual Christmas concert was held in the Town Hall at the beginning of December.  Band members looked festive in Christmas jumpers and outfits, instead of band uniform for this concert.

During the run up to Christmas, various small groups of band members played in Care Homes, churches, High Streets and at local services, providing entertainment and raising funds for the band.


November 2023 - Remembrance Parade in Northallerton

The band played in Northallerton High Street for the annual Remembrance Parade on a cold but sunny November day.  Rob Dawe played the Last Post at the War Memorial, as a packed High Street paid tribute to those who gave their lives.

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October 2023 - Stuart Shields appointed as MD

We were very sorry to say 'goodbye' to our MD Chris Britland at our Autumn concert, but delighted to quickly find an enthusiastic MD to take over.  Stuart Shields has a wealth of experience with brass bands both as a player and conductor and his enthusiasm is evident at every rehearsal. We look forward to working with Stuart as the band continues to grow in its playing.

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October 2023: 'Around the World' concert

The  Autumn Concert, held on Friday, October 13, at All Saints Church, Northallerton, was a delightful evening of music in different styles but with a common theme, 'Around the World,' which took the audience on a musical journey.

The repertoire, which included pieces such as 'The Sound of Music,' 'Macarthur Park,' and 'The Best of Bond,' showcased the band's versatility and talent. These selections provided a diverse and enjoyable musical experience.

A surprise visit by the Prime Minister, The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP, added a sense of prestige to the event, and it was a notable occasion for the community.

Sadly, the concert marked the end of Musical Director, Chris Britland's time with the band.  Her contributions to the band were undoubtedly appreciated, and her farewell concert was a fitting tribute to her time as MD. Thank you Chris.

Overall, the concert was a resounding success, with attendees expressing their enjoyment and appreciation for the performance. It was a memorable evening that celebrated music, fun and community.

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Summer 2023

Band members enjoyed playing at a variety of engagements during the summer months. The first outdoor concert of the year was at Beamish Open Air Museum on a beautiful spring afternoon.  Pieces were played appropriate to the era including some tunes that are perhaps not played so much in the 21st century!

The Foresters Parade at Carlton in Coverdale was also on a beautiful sunny June day.  The band marched through the village, accompanied the hymns at the church service and played a short concert in the afternoon.

The band also played at the Aldborough and Boroughbridge Show, Borrowby Show and twice on Saltburn Bandstand.

Masham Sheep Fair took place at the end of September, when the band marched through the streets and then played a concert in the market square, surrounded by pens of sheep!

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March/April 2023 - Refurbishment of our band room

Our band room was in great need of a facelift and repair.   We are very glad that the work has now been completed - our new refurbished band room is smart, an attractive part of the local street scene and a building to be proud of!

Future work will be done by band members to decorate the interior. 

See the Gallery page for more pictures of the work as it progressed.

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February 2023 - 'A Touch of Silver'

Recently a small group of our bandmembers, playing as 'A Touch of Silver', played at a couple of local events.  One of these was in a nearby Care Home who said:


"We would like to say a big ‘Thank you’ to the Quintet “A Touch of Silver”, who came in this weekend to play for our Residents.  Everyone had a really lovely afternoon listening and singing along to their wonderful music."

Touch of Silver at Mount Vale Care Home 25 Feb 2023 1.jpg
December 2022 - Christmas Carolling

The band has been busy with numerous Christmas Carolling events, playing at local Carol services in Romanby, South Otterington and Thornaby.

In some of the very coldest weather the band can remember, band members wrapped up well and played outside in Crathorne, Stokesley, Thirsk and Northallerton to raise funds for the band. Despite the cold, everyone had fun and the band is very grateful to everyone who donated.



Saturday 3rd December 2022 - Christmas concert

This year’s Christmas concert was performed in Northallerton’s majestic All Saints Church and was a feast of melodic seasonal fayre enjoyed by all. As is the NSB tradition, uniforms were discarded for Christmas attire including fancy dress costumes which included several elves, a snowman and even a penguin!


Our new MD, Chris Britland had only 5 practices with the band before the concert and did a fantastic job to put together a programme of music that ranged from traditional Christmas Carols to “The Snowman”, “Stop the Cavalry”, “Candlelight Carol” (performed by our principal cornet, Emily Stott) and a memorable Glen Miller Christmas arrangement which got the audience cheering.


Jonathan Owens showed his mastery of the euphonium by playing a heartfelt cover of Mud's “Lonely This Christmas” and in his role as NSB's bandmaster he conducted a couple of other numbers.


Drew Ayres performed the MC duties and radiated confidence and charisma to keep the concert entertaining for all. He even had to perform a comic rendition of “Santa got stuck up the chimney” in between proceedings.


Donations from the audience added a sum of some £400 to the church's funds.

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November 2022 - Welcome to our new MD

We are delighted to welcome Christine Britland as our new MD and look forward to working with her and moving forward as a band.  Christine is a music teacher and conductor and brings a wealth of experience to NSB. 

7 October 2022 - Last Night of the Proms

The band was delighted to be able to return to The Forum, Northallerton to celebrate its Diamond Jubilee with the annual 'Last Night of the Proms' concert.  Bandmaster Jonathan Owens led the band through a programme of favourite pieces chosen by band members and Proms pieces, while Drew Ayres acted as compere for the evening.  Lynn and Emily delighted the audience with their cornet solos.  The audience were in good voice for the audience participation numbers, and a good evening was had by all!

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24 September 2022 - Masham Sheep Fair

On a cool but fine day, the band played at Masham Sheep Fair, where they led the parade into the Market Square and then played a concert surrounded by sheep in their pens! This is always a fun, traditional event, enjoyed by everyone.

1 August 2022 - Looking for a new Musical Director

Sadly, the band's MD, Simon McCue, resigned due to increasing work demands.  At the band's AGM Simon was thanked for his work as MD which has moved the band forward, and the search for a new MD has begun.

Summer 2022

Northallerton Silver Band has enjoyed playing at various outdoor events during the summer months.  Playing at Borrowby Show, Aldborough & Boroughbridge Show, Saltburn Bandstand and a 1940's/1950's nostalgia event at Croft Racing Circuit were all most enjoyable events.

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Northallerton Jubilee celebration 5 June 2022 11
Platinum Jubilee - June 2022

The Jubilee weekend was a busy one for the band.  On Thursday 2 June we played at Crathorne's Jubilee celebration.  During the evening the band played a wide variety of music and then at dusk Rob Dawe on solo cornet played the fanfare for the lighting of Crathorne's Beacon.  Three days later there were celebrations in both Northallerton and Romanby at which the band played concerts. Small groups of band members also played at Care Homes to enable residents to celebrate the Jubilee.

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